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Bottleworld ratings (Movie, 2009)

Rank 141,281 / 237,189
Trend 0
Genres Comedy
Total votes 65
Average rating 6.1 / 10

Bottleworld is an ensemble comedy that revolves around a liquor store of the same name. It begins as the story of Wilson, a new employee at Bottleworld, who enters this seemingly utopian environment and is welcomed by his co-workers, especially the store's manager, Murray. When Murray's daughter, Chrissy, visits for the holidays, Wilson quickly falls in love with her. Wilson is very happy with his new life but when he overhears Carl, an angry employee, plan to terrorize the store on a holiday, he becomes obsessed with the threat. Wilson warns Chrissy and Murray, who downplay Carl's threat but are unable to convince Wilson to do the same. Wilson's attention to a threat that others do not perceive intensifies and his relationship with Chrissy stalls. As holidays pass without incident, Wilson's priorities begin to appear misplaced. Wilson allows his relationship with Chrissy and Murray to hinge on his distrust of Carl. It distorts the entire holiday season and is the challenge Wilson ...

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